Monday, June 19, 2017

Litany of Lament for July 2, 2017 -- #Canada150

God of possibilities,
we know that we have not always lived up to the promise that lies within us
as individuals, as communities, as a community of communities, we have injured each other, we have failed to live as people of love
...remembering that we have not always been the nation we could be
we lament, we confess, we repent, God hear our prayer.

God who calls us to live with respect in creation
we know that in our hurry to make use of the land we have not always been good stewards
forests have disappeared, fisheries have been depleted
humans take the space that once was shared with many other species, and drive them into far corners
the detritus of our industrial culture has changed the landscape
and we still wonder if we can find the balance between economy and ecology, if we can stop injuring and start repairing the land we love
...remembering that we have not always been the nation we could be
we lament, we confess, we repent, God hear our prayer.

God who calls us to love and serve others
we are not always good neighbours
the people who welcomed our predecessors to this land have been mistreated in word and deed
instead of celebrating who they were and are we have tried to turn them into good “proper” people
we have made promises and then broken them, leading some to wonder if the promises were made in good faith
we have invited others to come and enrich the nation and then expected them to be “like us” when they got here, or forced them to leave behind their own cultures and ways so they could “fit in”
we have forgotten that the rule of love is to accept others, we have forgotten that beauty lies in diversity,
at times we have forgotten to love, we have expected to be served more than to serve
...remembering that we have not always been the nation we could be
we lament, we confess, we repent, God hear our prayer.

God who challenges us to seek justice and resist evil
we look at the news: local, provincial and national and we lose heart
stories of people cast aside, stories of missing women, stories of justice denied
we challenge the system even while we are all too ready to benefit from the same system, and our resistance loses teeth
we grow complacent, not seeing the very real struggles faced by our neighbours
we begin to wonder if we can make a difference, if the effort is worth the pay off
...remembering that we have not always been the nation we could be
we lament, we confess, we repent, God hear our prayer.
God of grace, as we hear the laments of our selves and our neighbours, move us to cry out for justice, push us to help re-build the country into the nation where love and justice are the rule and norm.
And the people all said AMEN

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