Tuesday, January 17, 2017

For January 22, 2017 -- The Call of the First Disciples

God of life, as a baptized and baptizing community,
we gather to worship, to grow in discipleship, to share the faith story.
God of community, we gather this morning,
as part of a global family, united in faith, diverse in practice.
God of transformation, as we sing and pray and listen,
open our souls that we would know your presence, open our hearts to follow where you lead.
This we pray in the name of Jesus, who invites us to join the community, who teaches us to pray saying..

As a baptized and baptizing community,
we have welcomed another Beloved child into God’s global family.
As people who have heard Jesus’ invitation to join him,
we take up the challenge to follow the Way, to grow as disciples.
As part of a faith family that spans the globe,
we work with our brothers and sisters of many traditions to build the Kingdom.
Go with God: Father, Son and Spirit, Lover, Beloved, and Love, who is Creating, Redeeming and Sustaining.

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