Thursday, November 13, 2014

A couple of old Advent Candle Liturgies.

Found these in my file while looking for something else....

Advent Candle Liturgy Option A
Advent Candle Liturgy – Week 1 (December 1, 2002) – Hope
Reader 1: Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the season when we prepare for the coming of Jesus. Each Sunday we will light a candle to remind us of what it means to prepare for Christmas.
Reader 2: This year as we light our candles we will be thinking about hospitality, what do we do to when we are having a visitor in our homes. This week we light the candle of welcoming and greeting. This candle reminds us that we need to welcome God into our lives. (Light a purple candle)
Reader 1: As we welcome and invite a visitor in we also need to have hope. We hope that our time together will help us to grow together in friendship and love.
Reader 1: Let us pray together as printed in the bulletin…
God of Advent, you enter our lives in many ways and many places. During this Advent season open our hearts to be welcoming and ready to greet all we meet. Help us to be ready and able to receive and to recognize You in the many ways You are revealed. We pray in the name of the one whose coming we await, Christ our Saviour. Amen

Advent Candle Liturgy – Week 2 (December 8, 2002) – Peace

Reader 1: Today is the second Sunday of Advent, the season when we prepare for the coming of Jesus. Each Sunday we light a candle to remind us of what it means to prepare for Christmas. Last week we lit the candle of welcoming. (re-light the first candle)
Reader 2: Once we have welcomed someone into our homes we often offer them a seat and something to eat or drink. We make sure that they are comfortable. This week we light the candle of attending and honouring. This candle reminds us of our need to attend and honour the times and ways that God is in our lives. (Light a purple candle)
Reader 1: When we honour each other and attend to each other’s need then we are working to bring God’s peace to reality in this world. Let us pray together as printed in the bulletin…
God of Advent, You have called us together to be peacemakers. During this Advent season help us to be attentive to one another. Be with us to comfort us and allow us to bring comfort to others. Let our hearts be filled with your peace as we flatten the rough places and straighten the curved paths in our lives and community. We pray in the name of the one whose coming we await, Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Advent Candle Liturgy – Week 3 (December 15, 2002) – Joy

Reader 1: Today is the third Sunday of Advent, the season when we prepare for the coming of Jesus. Each Sunday we light a candle to remind us of what it means to prepare for Christmas. Last week we lit the candles of welcoming and attending. (re-light the first two candles)
Reader 2: Today we light a candle to remind us to play and sing together. Hospitality does mean attending to the needs of our guests but it also means that we need to rejoice and celebrate together. (Light the pink candle)
Reader 1: When we play and sing together we are allowing ourselves to share the joy of life. In that spirit of joy let us pray together as printed in the bulletin…
God of Advent, You have given us a playful spirit and You call us to enjoy life. Grant that during this Advent and Christmas season we will find many, many reasons to rejoice and play. Help us to remember that life is not always a serious thing. Awaken the awe-struck , innocent child within all of us. We pray in the name of the one whose coming we await, Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Advent Candle Liturgy – Week 4 (December 22, 2002) – Love

Reader 1: Today is the last Sunday of Advent, the season when we prepare for the coming of Jesus. Each Sunday we have lighted candles to remind us of what it means to prepare for Christmas. So far our candles have reminded us to welcome others, to attend to their needs and to play and rejoice with them. (Re-light the first three candles)
Reader 2: Today we light the fourth candle of our Advent wreath. This candle reminds us of the blessing we get when we eat together. It also reminds us that in order to eat together someone needs to prepare and serve the meal. (Light the last candle)
Reader 1: It has been shown many times that to prepare a special meal for someone is a sign of love, love that is strengthened by eating that meal together. Remembering that love, let us pray together as printed in the bulletin…
God of Advent, in love you have called us together, in love you give us the gifts of food and fellowship. We thank you for these gifts and ask that during this Christmas season we would be able to share meals with our family and friends in that spirit of love. Grant that, having experienced your love in our own lives, we will be able to share that love with all we meet. We pray in the name of the one whose coming we await, Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Advent Candle Liturgy – Christmas Eve

Reader 1: The time has come. After all our preparations Christmas is finally here. For the last four Sundays we have lighted candles to remind us of what it means to prepare for Christmas. These candles have reminded us to welcome others, to attend to their needs, to play and rejoice with them, and to join together in a shared meal. (Re-light the first four candles)
Reader 2: Tonight we light the last candle of our Advent wreath. This candle reminds us of the blessing we get from exchanging gifts with each other. As we light this candle we remember the gift that lies at the centre of our Christmas celebration. The gift of a baby lying in a manger. (Light the centre candle)
Reader 1: Let us pray together as printed in the bulletin…
God of Christmas, you come to us in so many surprising ways. On this Christmas Eve we ask you to come into our hearts, our homes, our lives. On this night we remember that you came not in glory but in a lowly stable; as a weak, helpless child. Lead us to find You in equally surprising places. Help us to remember to look for You and forgive us when we don’t recognize Your presence among us. We pray in the name of the one whose birth we celebrate, Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Advent Candle Liturgy Option B
Advent Candle Liturgy – Week 1 (December 1, 2002) – Creation
Reader 1: Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the season when we prepare for the coming of Jesus. Each Sunday we will light a candle to remind us of some of God’s wonderful gifts as we prepare for Christmas.
Reader 2: Today we light a candle to remind us of God’s gift of creation. This gift is the one we can see all around us all the time. (Light a purple candle)
Reader 1: Creation is a gift given to us that we often forget. Let us remember that we need to treat this gift carefully.
Reader 2: Let us pray together as printed in the bulletin…
God of Advent, we remember your wonderful gift of Creation. We give thanks for the gift of light that started Creation. We pray that we would be able to keep that light shining strongly always. Help us to live respectfully with all that you have created. We pray in the name of the one whose coming we await, Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Advent Candle Liturgy – Week 2 (December 8, 2002) – Exodus

Reader 1: Today is the second Sunday of Advent, the season when we prepare for the coming of Jesus. Each Sunday we light a candle to remind us of some of God’s wonderful gifts as we prepare for Christmas. Last week we lit the candle of Creation. (re-light the first purple candle)
Reader 2: Today we light a candle to remind us of the gift of the Exodus. This candle reminds us that God wants all of us to be free from captivity. (Light a purple candle)
Reader 1: The Exodus wasn’t only a gift to the ancient Hebrews, it is also a gift to us and to those around us. As the candlelight shines, let us always remember to share God’s freedom with others.
Reader 2: Let us pray together as printed in the bulletin…
God of Advent, we remember your wonderful gift of freedom. Just as you led the people of Israel out of bondage we ask that you would lead us into the land of promise. Remind us that we are free, that nothing can bind us or hold us back. Help us to share the light of freedom with everyone around us. We pray in the name of the one whose coming we await, Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Advent Candle Liturgy – Week 3 (December 15, 2002) – Prophets

Reader 1: Today is the third Sunday of Advent, the season when we prepare for the coming of Jesus. Each Sunday we light a candle to remind us of some of God’s wonderful gifts as we prepare for Christmas. Last week we lit the candles of Creation and Exodus. (re-light the first two purple candles)
Reader 2: Today we light a candle to remind us of the Prophets. This gift from God helps us to understand how best to live in God’s way. (Light the last purple candle)
Reader 1: God sends prophets to remind people what is right and wrong. This candle reminds us that we are all prophets in our own way when we remind others how God wants us to live
Reader 2: Let us pray together as printed in the bulletin…
God of Advent, we remember your wonderful gift of Prophets and truth-tellers. In times when we have wandered off of the path we thank you for sending people to put us back on track. Help all of us to remember the importance of prophecy, of teaching each other to live in God’s way. Make us all both listener and prophet. We pray in the name of the one whose coming we await, Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Advent Candle Liturgy – Week 4 (December 22, 2002) – Mary

Reader 1: Today is the last Sunday of Advent, the season when we prepare for the coming of Jesus. Each Sunday we have lighted candles to remind us of some of God’s wonderful gifts as we prepare for Christmas. So far our candles have reminded us about Creation, the Exodus and the Prophets (Re-light the three purple candles)
Reader 2: Today we light the fourth candle of our Advent wreath. This candle reminds us of God’s gift to Mary. This gift was the strength to give birth to a child under a cloud of suspicion and still sing for joy. (Light the pink candle)
Reader 1: Mary felt alone and afraid but God was with her. God gave her the strength to sing about her baby. This candle helps us to remember that God is with us when we are afraid, helping us to sing too.
Reader 2: Let us pray together as printed in the bulletin…
God of Advent, we remember your wonderful gifts to Mary. Thank you for her bravery and strength. Help all of us to be as strong as Mary when we are afraid. Give all of us the ability to share your Good News with the people around us. We pray in the name of the one whose coming we await, Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Advent Candle Liturgy – Christmas Eve

Reader 1: The time has come. After all our preparations Christmas is finally here. For the last four Sundays we have lighted candles to remind us of some of God’s wonderful gifts as we prepare for Christmas. These have been the candles of Creation, the Exodus, the Prophets, and Mary (Re-light the first four candles)
Reader 2: Tonight we light the last candle of our Advent wreath. This candle reminds us of the mighty act that was that first Christmas gift. As we light this candle we remember the gift that lies at the centre of our Christmas celebration. The gift of a baby lying in a manger. (Light the centre candle)
Reader 1: Let us pray together as printed in the bulletin…
God of Christmas, we remember your wonderful gift of Christmas. We praise the gift of a baby, a Saviour. On this Christmas Eve we ask you to come into our hearts, our homes, our lives. On this night we remember that you came not in glory but in a lowly stable; as a weak, helpless child. Lead us to find You in equally surprising places. We pray in the name of the one whose birth we celebrate, Christ our Saviour. Amen.

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