Thursday, June 6, 2013

A summer Prayer for Grace

God of gentle rains and warm sun, God who encourages growth;
we are creatures who sometimes grow quickly, and sometimes get stuck.
God of freedom, of liberation, of binding ropes being cut;
we are bound in ways we don't always understand or recognize.
God of exodus and exile and homecoming, God who calls us to leave where we are and come home;
help us to have the courage to make the journey and to trust in the path.
God of health and healing, God who wants us to be made whole;
we come as people who are wounded in body and in spirit, people who seek healing.
God who has laid out a way for us to live, who has given us rules for living in community;
we come as people who sometimes go astray, people who stretch the rules.
God of Grace, we come as people who live through that Grace.
And so we praise you for the growth, we rejoice in being set free, we dance along the path that leads us home, we give thanks for the healing we have received, we relax in the knowledge that we are forgiven and we live as people of Grace. Amen.

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