Monday, September 1, 2008

For September 7, 2008 -- Proper 18, 17th After Pentecost

From the late summer sun and the early harvest,
we come to give thanks to the Creator.
From the busy-ness of our daily lives,
we come for a time of centering and renewal.
From a culture that remains overly focused on the present,
we come to join in the memories and practices passed on to us from those who went before.
From a world that is often given to despair,
we come to be reminded that there is always hope.
We have gathered together in God’s presence, in God’s name.
Let us worship together, let us pray…

God, another Sunday has come, and once again we meet with you and each other.
As people who bear your image and your name we seek to be renewed and fed in heart and soul.
Here, in this place we remember the old stories of the faith.
Here, in this place, we hear again how you have been present and active in the world.
During this time together, open our eyes, hearts, and minds to your presence and your possibilities,
and send us out as people of hope, ready to face the future.
Remind us that amongst the busy-ness of the present we need to be mindful of the past and the future as well.
Help us to be people of memory and of hope.
This we pray in Jesus’ name as we share together the words he taught his friends long ago…

We have heard once again the old stories.
We go out reminded that God is with all who struggle.
We have been reminded that we are people of hope.
And so we go out to share that hopefulness with others.
As you go to share the hope for freedom and redemption with the world remember that you do not walk alone. May God bless you and keep you every step of the way.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

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