Monday, February 11, 2008

For Feb 17/08 -- Lent 2, Where and When is the Church?

NOTE: THis year's Lenten liturgies will not be based on the lectionary readings for YEar A. Instead they will be following a series called The 5 W's of Church (the link shows what themes and readings are being used)

The world is a place of uncertainty, a place of questions.
We bring our questions here to the church,
In this place we lay out our wonderings before God and neighbour
In this place we trust that we can find clues that will help us find some answers
Here we acknowledge that this hour together is only part of being the church
As we worship and work together the church is spread to many places.
Let us worship God who is always with us. Let us pray together…

God, we gather here, not always large in number but faithful in heart.
We gather here, seeking to be refreshed and re-energized for our life in the world.
We pray that in this time together we would know your presence.
May this time together prepare us to take the church to the world.
These things we pray in Jesus’ name as we sing together the words he taught his friends…

Offering Prayer
God we find the church in many different places
May these gifts spread to all those places, enabling the Light of Love and Life to shine brightly wherever people gather in search of hope. Amen.

God, at times we acknowledge that often in life we have to choose between the easy and the hard path.
And we confess that we are often tempted to choose the easy way.
We know that the life of faith is part of our whole lives,
And we confess that it would be easier to limit its influence to selected places and times.
For all the times when we have partitioned our lives, keeping faith separate from the rest, forgive us.
…time of silent prayer…
God is gracious, understanding, and forgiving. Even though we may stray from the path of wisdom, God will always draw us back. We are a forgiven people.
Thanks and praise to God! Amen.

Where 2 or 3 are gathered, I am there.
We go out to the many gatherings of our lives, trusting that God is with us.
The church is wherever God’s people are:
As we praise, and serve and share God’s love we are the church in the world.
And so we go out held in the loving arms of our Eternal Parent.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

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